Celebrating Clarity: Your Pathway to Improved Hearing.
Discover how Soundside Hearing Center can make a difference in your hearing health journey. Trust our expertise, commitment, and passion to help you rediscover the joy of hearing.
FREE Hearing Aid Evaluation
A proper hearing aid evaluation starts with gathering case history to determine how your hearing loss is impacting your life. After we get to know each other a little better, I will perform an otoscopic exam and assess the outer and middle ear for any issues that could affect hearing. If everything looks good, we will move onto a hearing test.
How We Help
Device Matching
Being independently owned and operated, we ensure your confidence by offering a variety of prescription hearing aid options to match your personal needs based on lifestyle and budget. Once we select your ideal device, whether custom or over-the-ear, we program it to effectively address your unique hearing needs. One size does NOT fit all when it comes to prescription hearing aids!
Rehabilitation of Hearing
We’re committed to helping you better. Hearing aids are an adjustment and it is our job to make the experience a positive one. 100 people want to hear 92 different ways and with modern technology, there are no excuses for unwanted feedback and echos. We will adjust your hearing aids often so you are always hearing properly.